NeuroSurgeons Association of Sri Lanka

Free Paper submission

All abstracts submitted must adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki’s ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects and the rules laid down by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in their Recommendations for conducting, reporting, editing, and publishing scholarly work in medical journals.

The abstracts should be related to Neurosurgery, Head and Facial Trauma, and Neuroanaesthesia,

Abstract Submission Deadline 15/12/2024

Notification of Abstract Acceptance  will be notified by 05/01/2025

The principal author is required to sign a Declaration Form confirming the originality of the abstract.

A duly filled Author Information Form is to be submitted indicating the designation/grade of all authors, the affiliated institution/s, and the contact details.

All abstracts must be submitted in English and should not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors.

The abstract, along with the following supportive documents, should be emailed to [email protected] on or before the deadline.

Abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Based on a blind review, a panel of reviewers will make a preliminary selection of the abstracts to be presented & notification will be sent to the principal authors via an email within 2 – 3 weeks of the deadline.

The principal author of an abstract is requested to declare any potential conflicts of interest for all authors during the abstract submission.

The inclusion of trade names/brand names is not allowed in the abstract.

Declaration Form signed by the principal author

Author Information Form
Copy of the Ethics Review Committee (ERC) approval or waiver (Audits)

Copy of the Institutional approval, where applicable

For Case Reports, the principal author to declare in writing that the patient’s consent has been obtained for submitting their case study as an abstract.


Preparation of Abstract

Abstracts should be prepared as a Word file formatted as follows:

Font: Times New Roman 12- point

Title: Bold capital letters

Word limit: 300 words (excluding the title, author names/ affiliations, and references.

Paper size: A4

Margins: all set at 2.5 cm

Line spacing: single

Content of the Abstract should include:


Name/s of Authors: The last name is followed by a comma and the initials, with the presenting author’s name underlined. A superscript number should be placed after each name to refer to the respective affiliation/s. E.g.: Gunawardena, P1, De Silva, CD2

Author affiliations: Should be written as, 1Senior Registrar, National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, 2 Registrar, Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children, Sri Lanka (superscript number placed before each affiliation)

Abstract body: should be structured as follows

Original Research/ Audits: Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion/s

Case Reports: Introduction, Case description, Discussion, Conclusions/ Learning points

References: a maximum of 3 references for case reports and 5 references for original research/ audits, cited within the body of the abstract, using the format [1], [2], [3].

Reference list: formatted as 1st author name, et al. Abbreviated journal title year; volume: page numbers, e.g. Rueffert H, et al. Br J Anaesth 2021;126:120-30.

Acknowledgments: sources of funding and conflicts of interest, if applicable.

For any queries, please email to [email protected]

For any queries related to a particular submission, please include the reference number allocated to your abstract.

Terms and Conditions

Accepted abstracts will be published in the NSASL journal.

The presenting authors of selected abstracts for presentations must register for the Annual Academic Sessions 2025.

Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the presenting author to present the abstract (if accepted) orally in the session at the time assigned by the NSASL Abstract Committee.  We therefore recommend that submitters of abstracts register for the congress simultaneously with the abstract submission.

NSASL Abstract Committee does not provide any individual feedback on the reasons for acceptance/ rejection of an abstract.

If the presenter does not register for the NSASL Annual Academic Sessions by 15th January 2025, the abstract will be withdrawn and not published

Abstracts not adhering to these terms will be rejected. The final decision about the acceptance of an abstract will be taken by the NSASL Abstract Committee.

Copyright © 2024 – NSASL
Email: [email protected]